It's been rumored that Jack Kerouac was and continues to be the spiritual inspiration for planking.
Think about that for a second.
Then check out these sublime planking shots, snap your fingers to a bee-bop beat, and ponder infinity:
National Geographic Planking, Natural Habitat, Self Portrait
Planking Nature's Splendor, Assisted Shot
Planking the Plank, Meta-planking, Assisted Shot
Planking the Abyss, ft. Oblivious Japanese Tourist, Assisted Shot
Planking the Unknown, Mind-expanding Plank, Invisible ShotI'd like to dedicate this planking compendium to
Nick and
Dan*. Nick and Dan, these planks are for you.
*Brian, your dedication is in the mail. I swear! Send me those photos.
Planks for everything, John.